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Darkmoon Card Blue Dragon Vs Shard of the Scale

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Basic Holy Priest guide - "What the light will tell you."

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Good overview guide, gets my thumbs up! :D

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Holy Shroud is also nice for pre-raid if you don't have the gold to get Cassandra's Grace.
And as Haestigas mentioned, Spirit of Aquementas is incredibly overpowered in it's 1.3 patch version. The -25 mana cost is incredible for a healer.

Edited by cryofsorrow

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+1 for renew being awesome. Something like R3 renew is just so ridiculously efficient that even if 50% of it ends up as overheal you're still more than getting your money's worth.

Pre-hotting is simply more efficient than pre-shielding when the incoming damage is predictable enough (eg broodlord) - also doesn't deny your DPS warriors their ragegain, and renew is far more efficient than flash heal for your bog-standard raid healing. hots also 'stabilise' people - consider your assignment to be "keep the melee topped up on golemagg". Covering them with renew (highest rank your raid's killtime and personal mana pool would allow you to sit there and spam for the duration of the fight) not only lets you be useful even when none of them lack enough HP to justify hardcasting a heal on them, but it outputs both more HPS and more HPM than any other technique.

If you live in a world where everyone is instantly topped up as soon as they take damage and mana efficiency is of no concern, consider cutting a healer or two

Edited by femdead

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Yes. Golemagg is a reasonable place to use renew.

Constant damage on all meelee with an DoT that increases with damage the more stacks it gets.

Not so much if you are Horde (Shamans) but still a good use.

No for broodlord btw, the danger in Broodlord is the burst. Renew only heals after damage is done, but the burst from Broodlord can 1 shot a Tank. So shielding is definately the better route on that fight to either combat the burst or prevent the next auto attack from killing the tank.

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I meant predicting his fire nova, if tanks are healthy you may as well show the melees some love

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Improved Renew Increase base healing or total healing?

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Improved Renew - Renew is our HoT. It does a reasonable amount of healing but more often than not you don't get much bang for your buck due to the raid just being topped off instantly by snipers. Even renew on the MT isn't that useful since it can't crit and no crit = no inspiration. You can't even have multiple renews on one target. As for the talent, this increase only works on the BASE healing that the spell provides. This means no matter how much + healing you get, the bonus + healing you get from the talent will always be the same.
Edited by Shayss

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On ‎11‎/‎27‎/‎2016 at 5:16 PM, Res said:

remember, it only costs 0 mana to drop shadowform for all you shadowpriests ;)

Quick, somebody set that man on fire! ;)

That being said, does anybody have a link to the Pre-Raid BiS through Final BiS excel spreadsheet that has the gear breakdown for "2 minutes of healing" and "15 minutes of healing" gearsets? I deleted it when Nost went down.

Edited by Midoriko
Face Not Melted properly

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I assume, becuase it's in the Healing Priest thread, that this list is for Healing Priests? Did it show BiS gear from patch to patch?

If it does, and if anyone has it, then by all means post it here. It will be pretty useful for everyone as my guide only shows the pre-bis from patch 1.4 & 1.5 (Elysium PvP timeline)

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• Renew and other HoTs synergize great with Darkmoon Card: Blue Dragon  since it can proc off individual ticks (at least that was the case before the shutdown, dunno if it's been fixed to only proc off initial applications). You can roll out mid rank renews to multiple targets in fights with a steady influx of raid damage, like Firemaw, and keep very good OO5SR uptime that way.

• You can also game the DMC proc with a rank 1 Holy Nova when there is a high concentration of enemies and allies. You get a chance to proc the card for each target hit by nova.

• Do everyone a favor and have everyone ditch Inspiration and Ancestral Healing. Tank rage gen and threat is already a struggle since the armor mitigation fix. They don't need the extra 6% reduction to rage from damage taken.

• Why would anyone put 1/5 to threat reduction instead of 1/2 to Martyrdom? Even at 50% Martyrdom is great at making you less of a pvp punching bag, while Silent Resolve doesn't really do anything, assuming you have tanks.

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2 hours ago, Euronymous said:

• Renew and other HoTs synergize great with Darkmoon Card: Blue Dragon  since it can proc off individual ticks (at least that was the case before the shutdown, dunno if it's been fixed to only proc off initial applications). You can roll out mid rank renews to multiple targets in fights with a steady influx of raid damage, like Firemaw, and keep very good OO5SR uptime that way.

• You can also game the DMC proc with a rank 1 Holy Nova when there is a high concentration of enemies and allies. You get a chance to proc the card for each target hit by nova.

• Do everyone a favor and have everyone ditch Inspiration and Ancestral Healing. Tank rage gen and threat is already a struggle since the armor mitigation fix. They don't need the extra 6% reduction to rage from damage taken.

• Why would anyone put 1/5 to threat reduction instead of 1/2 to Martyrdom? Even at 50% Martyrdom is great at making you less of a pvp punching bag, while Silent Resolve doesn't really do anything, assuming you have tanks.

Hello Euronymous,

  • Renew works very well with DMC: Blue Dragon. Renew itself isn't good though (situational at best) and Mindtap Talisman is almost equivalent to the DMC.  However the DMC requires you to rely on a proc that comes from your actual heals/casts and Mindtap Talisman is simply a straight up mp5 boost making it more valuable.
  • With the fix to rage generation, tanks will now be gearing similar to a DPS warrior by stacking Hit and Crit, while still maintaining a reasonable Defence score. This means the gear they will be going for will be making them naturally squishier (no avoidance/mitigation). Inspiration becomes even more important now than before for the simple fact that your tanks are gona get hit harder.
  • This is a strictly PvE guide. I did not add anything in this guide to help you in PvP. Both talents are a part of the flexible talents, but as Martyrdom is worthless in PvE, the threat reduction from Silent Resolve, while barely noticeable, is useful for PvE.

I hope this answers all your statements/questions.  : )

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2 hours ago, Shayss said:

Renew works very well with DMC: Blue Dragon. Renew itself isn't good though (situational at best) and Mindtap Talisman is almost equivalent to the DMC.  However the DMC requires you to rely on a proc that comes from your actual heals/casts and Mindtap Talisman is simply a straight up mp5 boost making it more valuable.

Incorrect.  The Blue Dragon is always better than Mindtap.  Shard of the Scale is better than Blue Dragon when you are in pre-raid gear.  From BWL gear and beyond, Blue Dragon is superior.

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4 hours ago, Shayss said:

Hello Euronymous,

  • Renew works very well with DMC: Blue Dragon. Renew itself isn't good though (situational at best) and Mindtap Talisman is almost equivalent to the DMC.  However the DMC requires you to rely on a proc that comes from your actual heals/casts and Mindtap Talisman is simply a straight up mp5 boost making it more valuable.
  • With the fix to rage generation, tanks will now be gearing similar to a DPS warrior by stacking Hit and Crit, while still maintaining a reasonable Defence score. This means the gear they will be going for will be making them naturally squishier (no avoidance/mitigation). Inspiration becomes even more important now than before for the simple fact that your tanks are gona get hit harder.
  • This is a strictly PvE guide. I did not add anything in this guide to help you in PvP. Both talents are a part of the flexible talents, but as Martyrdom is worthless in PvE, the threat reduction from Silent Resolve, while barely noticeable, is useful for PvE.

I hope this answers all your statements/questions.  : )

With 340 spirit , which is reasonable when raid buffed you're getting 2.5*(13 + 340/4) = 245 mp5 from spirit. You stand to gain 245*0.85 = 208 mp5 without 3/8 T2 or 245*0.7 = 171.5 mp5 with the set bonus, if you don't have much downtime and need to cast constantly. Let's assume 10% uptime(1 proc in a 3min fight), which is extremely conservative when you're taking advantage of renew ticks. That brings you to 20.8 or 17.1 mp5. Outlier cases of unlucky fights are smoothed out because of the law of large numbers, given enough ticks. You can make a DMC be equivalent to 2 shards, provided you maximize your proc checks while also translating those spells into actual healing.

Tanks were using max threat gear long before the rage fix, in order to keep up with dps. Even with unmitigated rage generation, it was sometimes hard to stay ahead. Threat gain and overall dps is pretty much the only factor in current content.

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Thank you for the guide. Much appreciated :D I'm leveling as pure holy at the moment but it goes very slow.. would it be better if I specced more toward shadow until I'm maxed? Not sure what to do never played vanilla.

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19 minutes ago, Eluna said:

Thank you for the guide. Much appreciated :D I'm leveling as pure holy at the moment but it goes very slow.. would it be better if I specced more toward shadow until I'm maxed? Not sure what to do never played vanilla.

If you want a good leveling strat as a priest check Priest Leveling Guide posted by Fisher.  topic/25073-priest-leveling-guide/

Edited by Shayss

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12 minutes ago, Shayss said:

If you want a good leveling strat as a priest check Priest Leveling Guide posted by Fisher.  topic/25073-priest-leveling-guide/

Thank you!

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Renew ticks do not proc Blue Dragon Card on Nost, that was a thing on other servers and has never worked on Nost. The Holy Nova thing is correct, its especially useful in Suppression.

Renew is good on a couple encounters, but overall its a pretty crap spell. It also becomes worse the better/more healers you have. On vael its great to avoid pushback and to keep 2nd group healed up. On Chrom its nice because the tank is taking constant damage so the ticks have a good chance to actually heal, on brood its nice to maximize healing for the burst damage since that tick can be the diff between life or death after the mortal strike. On Nef it's ok but you have to be super careful to make sure it's not ticking into a class call since if its priest it will wreck the tank.

The main issue I have with the people advocating renew is that you would be better served when a bunch of raid damage is going out by using 8/8 t2 and gheal rank 1. You can add in the zg madness trinket to make sure you don't get sniped. It's so much healing output you need to worry about pulling agro its that good.

For the people advocating renew, I encourage you to download DPSmate which tracks all your healing and lets you really see how much renew is actually doing. I think you will be surprised how little effective healing renew generates.

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Hey all,

thanks for this very detailed guide ! I will probably join you all on this new wow vanilla version and I just have a question for leveling as a priest. Mainly for RP reasons, I'm not keen on the shadow spec and I wonder if leveling a NE mainly holypriest with starshard + wand dps would be as viable (or so) as your approach ? Of course I know I would need to group most of the time...and I'll be happy to do so !

any thoughts and advice ? Thanks !

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This isn't the right thread to ask this question, Alvringar.

Ontopic ...

If your main goals are RP orientated then it doesn't matter what anyone says and you should just do what you want.

I must warn you though, it won't be even close to being as efficient as Shadow leveling though. The 15% pyhysical damage reduction from Shadow Form is ridiculous for both leveling and PvP. Also, Starshards is a channeled ability. That means you cannot use your wand to dps while you are casting it. I highly recommend you reconsider this plan, as the pain vs reward is not worth it.

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Thanks for your answer and apologize for posting in the wrong part of the forum.

I confirm this strategy was (very) painful 10years ago ;-)...

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Awesome guide my friend.

Edited by Lawinn

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Very nice guide and thank you. But am sure that I have read it somewhere like 8-10 years ago

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Hello Lied,

Thank you. This is the only place you will find this post as I only made it to kill time before the fresh server launched.

Edited by Shayss

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Hey guys! I decided to switch it up a bit and play mage on Elysium. But I've been maining a human holy priest for over a year in progression on VanillaGaming and my guild is currently in Naxx.

First off I'd just like to say this guide is great! As a priest class leader and officer, I've written some priest healing guides in the past for guildies but none of them have been this comprehensive. I absolutely love healing, especially as a priest, and I really enjoy discussing the theorycraft and math behind a lot of the decisions we make as healers during raids. There a few things I would like to point out though.

For alliance it is Dwarf all the way. Fear Ward is ridiculously strong and Stoneform helps a lot especially in AQ.

Maybe it's just because I hate dwarves in general, but I disagree with this. Fear ward is strong for certain fights and stoneform has uses in AQ but I think you are undervaluing the benefit of 5% spirit from humans. Your tanks should be good enough to handle stance dancing and not need your fear ward. Spirit is just so op for priests, why pass up the opportunity to get a free 5% bonus?? You also don't mention Desperate Prayer at all which I think is strange. I can't tell you how much I love having that instant cast self heal. It has saved my life too many times to count.

On 11/26/2016 at 3:52 PM, Shayss said:

As far as talents go, they are pretty cookie cutter but I would recommend something more like this:

Personally, I see no value in having 3/3 Imp PW:S. I have found that there are very few fights that I make good use of it and have moved those points into Silent Resolve. You can generate an enormous amount of threat during trash and some boss fights through GH, PoH, and spamming max rank FH once you've got some good gear. Fade just doesn't cut it sometimes. 4/5 SR plus threat reduction enchant on your cloak does wonders.

It's generally accepted to have 1 priest in the raid be your designated "Renew Priest." This guy should be using 3/3 Imp Renew. I'm always partial to having 1 or 2 points in it though because most people are doing dungeons and what not outside of raid.

Holy Nova is also completely preferential. I enjoy using it as kind of like a down ranked / instant cast PoH. But you don't use it very often so it is completely up to the player.

Every priest should have Divine Spirit imo. There's no reason not to get it simply because there is no other worthwhile talent to replace it with. It saves mana and raid time if all priests have it.


Don't forget Blessed Sunfruit Juice and Sagefish Delight as alternative cheaper food buffs. I tend to save Nightfin Soup for healing intensive fights / long fights / progression. Blessed Sunfruit Juice can be bought from Argent Dawn vendor at Light's Hope Chapel. I like using that and Sagefish Delight for farm content.

Here is a link to a Pre-BiS list that just has more options:

Edited by Brem

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